Monday, July 16, 2012

Random Facts Again

Real Name : Uke Yutaka (受 毛豊)
Birthplace : Tokushima , 28 October 1981
Blog :

- His blood type is B.

- Other gaze members consider him to be a leader of the band.

- Kai's hobby is cooking and he does it well.

- His weak point is forgetfulness

- Likes playing video games

-He likes to sleep naked, when he is alone. [Shoxx - December 2003]

-Recently , he moved to his own apartment.

-He didn't finish school.

- Likes playing video games

- His childhood nickname was: Yukkun [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He said if he was an animal he would be a monkey, because it's represent him the best. O.o [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He's very positive thinking, but awfully forgetful. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- If he could be another member for one day he would be Ruki to make his room messy (it's well-known fact that Ruki is really a maniac about his place.) [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He doesn't like Eggplant, Potato [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He super loves mayonnaise. (Caused high colesterol kind a problems to him, so now he tries to avoid eating it - Beat Shuffle - don't know when but he was with Uruha in the show) [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Stage drink: Pocari [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Fav type of woman: Short cut, black hair, feels like the countryside, interesting person. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Doesn't like over-accessorized girls. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Once he dreamt that Reita was his mom [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- According to Uruha Kai always likes to stand in the corner. [Beat Shuffle]

- Dislike tattoos, piercings and plastic- surgeries [Arena Special Kai personal interview]

- He's having a very bad eye sight, but he wouldn't undergo surgery with it. [Arena Special Kai personal interview]

- Always eating salted Japanese plums before lives [Make on Holiday]
kanji of Kai means 'caution/warning'

Kai loves playing football and cooking
His favorite animals are dogs, tigers, alligators and crocodiles
He likes to drink apple juice
His favorite season is winter (he like christmas)
Kai has two piercings, both on his left ear
He used to want to be a football player

Poor little Kai got tricked on April fools day and didn't really understand what had happened until 5 days later
Batteries ~ What Kai always buys at convenience stores
He loves to cook with cabbage and various recipes can be found on his section of the site. And he wears the cutest little apron . So take a look and maybe even try out some of his recipes here. Rei-chan says that he doesn't like Kai's cooking...but admits he can't cook
Kai likes Dir en grey
Kai got his drivers license on the 6th January
France ~ The place that Kai most wants to go on his own
During lives, Kai always checks to make sure all of the members are having fun
Kai once said he really wants to have a 'session' with Gackt
Hospital ~ In an interview Kai once talked about the time he was hospitalized. He said that it was a very emotional time, and that he received 1000 cranes...I don't know exactly what happened to him or when he was in there but I do know that the first live he did after that was on July 22
Marilyn Manson ~ ...I'm not sure if Kai likes him (he might do...his favorite album is by him) but he said that he wanted to go to a Marilyn Manson concert .
Pearl ~ Kai's drum make, a very popular choice with a lot of indies drummers
Reita and Kai both find lack of sleep the worst thing on tours...and Kai always moans 'sleepy'
SMAP ~ Kai's first ever live
Kai use his hp ringtone with Wakaremichi song’s
Kai collects Zippos
- was once put in the hospital because of a fever from too much drumming
- sleeps nude when nobody is around

- used to work in a restaurant before going into entertainment

- was ranked as #3 popular male by the girls at school (he found out AFTER he quit the soccer club)
- he used to push his way to the center of a crowd that was laughing and make what they were laughing at funny for him too (he says he was selfish in this way, always wanting to be center of attention/funny)

- when he was bullied, he would laugh because it made others laugh and that made him feel good (that he made others laugh)
-- as a result, whenever his band members "bully" him, he laughs, just to make everyone else laugh (naturally)

- hugged Uruha in his sleep... making Uruha feel very uncomfortable.

- tends to over work himself

- once (probably more) was taking care and worrying about the others so much, he didn't realize that he was getting sick.

- Kai loves soccer and played it in elementary school, junior high, and high school

-Kai thinks he's "gotten better at human relationships", becoming more considerate of others.

-Kai's mother can read and speak English. So that means, if another GazettE’s member can't read some of the English fanmail, he asks his mom to translate them for him.

-Kai actually doesn't dislike drinking, and has in fact started drinking again! But when he's out drinking with everyone, he tends to "over-drink"... as in, he gets hyper and then crashes.

-Kai stopped drinking for two years because after he drank, he'd hit a low point "tension-wise", and he didn't like that about himself, which is why he stopped drinking.

-Kai likes beer, a brand from Okinawa called Awamori.

-His wish for the future is to attain happiness, and one way of getting that happiness, for him, is getting a big house

Previous Band Info :
La'DeathtopiA [戒, Kai]
Mareydi†Creia [戒, Kai]
the GazettE [戒, Kai]

RUKI ---
Real Name : Matsumoto Takanori (松本 たかのり) - Ruki (ルキ)

matsu-松 - a pine tree

moto-本- book/ main

松本 - i guess the right meaning would be " the pin's roots" i don't guarantee.^^

Birth Place : Kanagawa Prefecture (Kantou, southern Japan), 1 February 1982
Blood Type: B.
Height: 162cm.
Foot size: 25.5 cm

- Ruki has a chihuahua named Koron [Heresy blog and other interviews]

- Ruki didn't finished school. He just leaved the school when he was in middle of the last year.[Fool’s Mate I.S. No. 003 – April 2009]

- Ruki has a strawyberries trauma. Whe he was a kid he loved strawberries, but in one of his birthdays, he ate a lot of strawberries and went wrong. (I mean something like a stomachache) and in that day happened a fire too, so since this incidents he don't eat strawberries anymore. (xD) [Beath Shuflle and another interviews]

Distress and Coma PV recording was on Ruki's birthday in 2009. [Manager Blog]

- When Ruki was a drummer in his previous band, he was something like the "girl" of the band. (reffering to his visual) [Fool’s Mate I.S. No. 003 – April 2009]

- Ruki artistic name would be Rukia, but someone already had this name, so he decided to put "Ruki" 'cause he think it was cute. [Fool’s Mate I.S. No. 003 – April 2009]

- Ruki studied in a private school, because of that he couldn't dye his hair, so when he was on vacations, he always dyed his hair with exuberant colors like pink, blond... [Make on Holyday]

- Ruki is a Kiyoharu's fan [Heresy blog]

- In one live his shoe was badly tied, so his shoe flew to the audience and he was making signs to the audience give his shoe back! [Make on the Holyday].

- Ruki had column problems since young, then he had to operate it in the first year of middle school.[SHOXX vol. 139 - Setembro/2004]

- Ruki wanted to be a tatto maker. [Fool’s Mate I.S. No. 003 – April 2009]

- When Ruki and Reita met , they both had pink hair , and they talked about what they use to dye their hair.
He mailed Reita before he dyed his hair blond , then Reita wanted blond too so he mailed Ruki to know what product he used to take the pink out.

-Ruki hates that Reita trashes his house ,when comes to him.

- Ruki said he'll never get married [ i don’t believe him, as this is from an old interview]

For all that stuff about Ruki being disowned by his parents, that was true, as was the fact that Ruki's father disowned him. But... when Gazette started becoming popular, Ruki's father and he has seem to made up. Actually, Ruki said that when he calls home, his father would try to guess Gazette's new song, but he guesses wrong. As for the interview... it was a televised interview... "Hey! Hey! Hey!" and it was the Filth in the Beauty era... exact date unknown. ^^'

And he had another Chihuahua some times ago , his name was Sabu-chan~

REILA is Ruki’s ex-girlfriend Who commited sucide (Ruki always crying if singing this song)

NIGHTMARE : Ruki's nearly been killed by a cat

- he is very self conscience

- he hates showing chest

- he hates his sun spots/beauty marks, and he tries to cover them as much as he can.

- he had a pretty rough childhood

- his parents where kind of the equivalent of nazi's

- he use to as a child wake up in the middle of the night, grab his head phones, and plug them into the tv and watch horror films while his parents where asleep.

- his first favorite horror film was Child's Play

- his older brother was into X japan and luna sea and when no one was home, lil ruki use to play thier songs.

- designs jewelry sometimes
- current pet is Mr. Squidge, a cat. (rofl ^^)
- wore his bother's hand-me-downs

- parents and family wanted him to be a 'good child' so they made him always busy in school and at home with lessons

- was grounded and beaten frequently by his parents for his misbehavior

- use to skip classes that he did not like

- was in a private elementary school

- made a promise that if the GazettE where to break up it would be his, reita's and uruha's last band

- was hurt by an ex-girlfriend long ago (find the lyrics to zetsu, or zakurogata no yuutsu, and you will understand)

- he ate food that fell off the table as a kid

Ruki likes to eat frankfurters (these are the sausages in hot dogs in case people weren't sure)

- likes to try new things

- very, very talkative

- when things get hard or diffucult, he just wants to run and hide away. (aaww >

Real Name : Takashima Kouyou (高島 宏陽) - Uruha (麗)
taka-高 - high/expensive

shima-島- island

takashima-高島- high island..

Kou- 宏- large/immense/grandious..
You-陽 - sunlight/ yang(from ying and yang)/ the positive

Kouyou-宏陽- a large pozitivism,immense sunlight

Uruha - 麗- charming/graceful/elegant ; it's the 2nd kanji from the word" beautiful' –

Birthplace : Kanagawa Prefecture (Shounan District) , 9 June 1981
Blood Type: O
Height: 177cm
Weight: 62kg
Hobbies: billiard, pachinko, bowling, soccer
Cigarette: Marlboro Menthol Light
Family: Parents, two older sisters
Ring size: 19
Favorite Drink: Smirnoff, MOET & CHANDON
Favorite Food: Mentai Korokke Bento
Favorite brand: PPFM ,CHROME HEARTS, Rude gallery , Docomo
Perfume: Gucci Rushes, Bvlgari
Blog :

- Whe he was a child, he was called "Shima"

- In an interview, Uruha said he stopped smoking.

- Uruha accidentally dropped his apartment keys in a manhole while he was taking a walk one day before his birthday. [Arena 37 - November 2008 and other interviews]

- He tried to practice snowboarding. [Neo Genesis vol 32]

- Uruha said he often goed to drink with Shin and Akiya from Kagrra, [Pre PSC Tour 09 - Music Japan+]

- Uruha has a "pet plant" named Pakira-chan [Uruha blog]

- Once he went to Mötley Crüe with Kai. [Arena37C Special vol.56]

- When he moved to Tokyo, one of the most important things that he brought with him was his washing machine [Uruha's Handbook]

- His sister told him he looks like Hideaki Takizawa, and he was very happy about it.

- Uruha is obsessed by Rookies manga and forced Reita to read it too. [FC blog]

- When bothered with something, he drink rum and listen Rock. [FC blog]

- In his blog he once presented an iPod device which you can strap to your arm, so you can go jogging with it and it will not only play music but also count the calories you burn or something. It showed that he ran for 30 minutes - and he also explained he could therefore drink two beers. [FC blog]

- When he was little he often hid under his mom's skirt [100QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- If he has to be somebody else in the band, he would be Kai to make lunch boxes to the others. [100QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He always have Coke in his fridge [100QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Sleeps in T-shirts and boxers[100QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Drinks sport drinks on stage [100QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Once he was chased by a yakuza [100QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He thinks champagne is too low [RCE Bonus Disc]

-He just have one acoustic guitar which was bought recently... he's used rented before. [RCE Bonus Disc]

- His first guitar was a Horizon- Grass Rots, black when he was still in the high school. It was a parent’s gift. [RCE Bonus Disc]

-He learned guitar watching band videos with friends. [RCE Bônus Disc]

His favorite animals are domestic ducks, penguins, dogs and white bears (I think that's a polar bear)

He loves to challenge people on his gameboy advanced

He hates eating olives

Uruha has a total of nine piercing, five on his left ear and four on his right ear

He used to work at a vegetable shop
His favourite colours are grey and purple
He also likes to go bowling
Homesickness ~ Sometimes, when on tours or away from home, poor little Uruha-chan suffers from homesickness
Mars ~ Uruha wants to migrate to Mars
Presents ~ Uruha once said that receiving presents from fans is very important to him
Teasing ~ Uruha said that teasing Kai is popular among the members
Uruha like Sugizo(Luna Sea)
Vodka ~ Uruha loves to drink Smirnoff...he's a vodkaholic

Uruha sleeps until someone wakes him up (but he hates being woken up). But if no one does, he won't get up. He's glued to his bed.
Occasions: If it's a tour, Kai will wake him up because he's the only one awake.
If it's normal day, Reita calls him.
He drinks soymilk. he just drinks it every morning. And Reita gets irritated because he thinks Uruha is showing off when he does that.

Depends on what they're doing, but Uruha tends to sometimes sleep during the day when he's not doing anything. Like in studio or something. And if he's not sleepy, he'll:
a. Bring in games to play or play with others
b. Bring a dvd to watch
After a good days work, he goes to a family restaurant to eat
-he admits this is bad, but if he can't get to sleep, he'll drink a bit and then he can go to sleep

-he hates it when people ignore him on purpose

he actually doesn't really like it when he has to show his thighs

- is a proud uncle (he has 2 nephews)

- thinks he looks smart in glasses

- hates being ignored when he is talking

- looks at the person on the inside before he judges on them

- he was made fun of in school because of his lips

- used to work in a grocery store

- met reita through soccer club/team at school

- fights with reita over food

- when sleeping over at the others places, he usually steals their beds, making them sleep on the floor or couch.

Previous Band Info :
Karasu [狂喜, Kyouki?]
Ma'die Kusse [狂喜, Kyouki?]
L'ie:Chris [狂喜, Kyouki?]
Kar+te=zyAnose [狂喜, Kyouki?]
the GazettE [麗, Uruha]

REITA ----
Real Name : Suzuki Akira (鈴木 亮) means: Suzuki- wood bell, and akira - clear/obvious
Birthplace : Kanagawa , 27 May 1981
Blood Type: A
Height: 172cm
Weight: 55kg
Favorite Colors: purple, red, white
Hobbies: watching movies
Brand: Cropped head, Lock
Cigarette: Marlboro Mild Seven Lights
Family: Mother, grandmother, older sister
Blog :

- Reita was born in 27th May, in Kanagawa. [Shoxx December 2003]

- His blood type is A. [Shoxx December 2003]

- Whe he was a kid, was called by "Ue-chan" [Shoxx December 2003]

- Sleeps with underwear. [Shoxx December 2003]

- Reita dreamed he was the vocalist and he was singing with Ruki in a twin vocal. (xD) [Shoxx December 2003]

- Reita worked in a Bread shop and Sweets shop. [Shoxx December 2003]

- He doesn't like vegetables! [Shoxx December 2003]

- He thinks the best animal to represent him: cheetah [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- The most stubborn one in the band.[100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS and RCE Bonus Disc]

- He would be Aoi for one day, because he can speak 3 dialects. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He doesn't really likes Kai's cooking (once he said it's to sweet to him) [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He always have Barley tea and pudding in his fridge. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- He said the biggest mischief he gotten into was he threw rubbish under Ruki's bed. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Stage drink: Sport drink or something like that [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Prefered type: Someone to settle down with, a devoted, giving, kind, feminine person. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Doesn't like vulgar persons. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- If he could choose if he should be a man or a woman in his next life, he would man again, because female relationships seem to be messed up to him. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]

- Once he quit smoking, but after one year he got back to it again (Radio Jack with Reita)

- His nephew was once attacked by crows (Reita- Radio Jack)

He has Harley and likes to drive it
- He's TV junkie
- He believes in reincarnation.

His favourite season is spring
Reita doesn't wear perfume
He doesn't like Kai's cooking but said that he couldn't cook XD
He likes eating Kit-kats and spaghetti
Reita loves watching movies

People used to call Reita 'Bonkura' when he was means blockheaded
Bugs ~ Reita HATES them (especially mosquitos)
Face-off ~ Reita's favorite movie of all time
Initial D ~ Reita's favorite comic
Macho ~ Reita would like to be macho in 5 years time...and more macho in 10 years time

Meat ~ *giggles* Reita said he gets excited in front of the meat store x]
Nose band ~ This is Reita's trademark always mistaken for not having a nose. Although he can be quite quiet, Reita sometimes reveals his mad side and sends the fangirls crazy...and don't forget the pokey pokey dance!!
Sleep ~ Reita and Kai both find lack of sleep the worst thing on tours...and Kai always moans 'sleepy'

- the last known girlfriend of reita, broke up with him because he couldn't be with her all the time when the band was beginning to get popular. This apparently broke his heart and he was in a state of depression for a month. (This may be a rumor)
- Wanted to be a soccer player when he was little.
- hates vegetables, mushrooms, shellfish, and kai's cooking
- He hates sweets except for pudding, cake and kit kats.

- He has 2 piercings; one on the right ear, and one on the left.

- He loves The sex pistols and collects DVDs and everything that has something to do with the Sex Pistols.

- He used to work in a bread shop and a sweet shop.

- He sleeps in his underwear lol...

- He is a couch potato in his free time and apparently has a facination with porn...

- He thinks his nose is the most unattractive thing on his body.

- He wonders a lot about the next day...

- He's a stubborn guy.

- Favorite season is spring.
- His eyesight is 1.5.
- His shoe size is 26cm/10.23 inches.

- His childhood nickname was "Uechan"
- Compares himself to a cheetah
- met uruha in soccer club/team in school
-Reita and Tora (Alice Nine) they are best friend

- is the instigator of the band and likes to play tricks.

- fell off the bullet train as a kid

- Reita's really worried how long he's going to have to hide his nose...that's his biggest concern

Previous Band info :
Karasu [澪祁, Reiki?]
Ma'die Kusse [澪祁, Reiki?]
L'ie:Chris [澪祁, Reiki?]
Kar+te=zyAnose [澪祁, Reiki?]
the GazettE [れいた, Reita]

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