Monday, July 16, 2012

Kazuki (Screw)

Kazuki's facts:
Birth date: 5 August 1985
Blood type: O
Place of birth: Tottori Prefecture
Weight: 55 kg
Size: 175 cm
Shoe size: 26, 5 cm
Finger size: 15 ~ 19
Usually, favorite sentence: when I sleep, I would like my bolster between my legs, Mori Building
Favorite color: purple
Brand of cigarettes: Marlboro Menthol Light BOX
Favorite brands: Justin Davis, ASAHI
Fragrances you prefer put: ENVY, ENVYme
The phone brand and current ringtone: DoCoMo D902i, LION TV maniacs KB No.
Favorite food: beer
Détestée food: beer (the hangover) A gift that makes you happy: my meeting with the members, it was a gift of God
A gift that you were pleased to offer anyone: I've offered our CD to my mother
Persons of opposite sex you prefer: A girl who loves the family, who needs company and sells even if we argue
Persons of the opposite sex that you like least: A girl who doesn't like family, who don't like to have the company, and that does not yield if we argue
Favorite female dress style: on needs of clothing, isn't - this!
Ideal appointments: finish my home
A girl done and making you overwhelm action: inside of her thigh while waiting at the stoplight (I believe in made only it matte operators close to him at the stops... legs)
A name you donneriez to a child: Michelle, but because Jesse is playfulness A precious object: Mura Musume, Mura Otoko and then other members, and also the Mori Building
Concerns: Increase taxes on cigarettes
A moment that makes you happy: when I spend time with policy Musume and policy Otoko
The person that you most want to meet at this time: If you had three wishes, what would you like: - what girls (Oolong) shorts - I want to Kuririn to return [written as Krillin]
-I want to become the Mori Building
The largest stuffing you have made to other members: from the kinds of jokes.... HA
A dream scored you: he was a vampire flying in my room
Something that has recently emotionally stirred: our first one-man
Something that has recently been angry: nothing does brought me angry
Something that you think often: well, the policy
How you spend your days rest: I play video games at home
Currently, what kind of place live in you? : Filled with pieces of machinery which is your favorite artist Pulse: SCREW
An artist that you follow: Senpai first CD you purchased: Mr. Children
The first live you attended: the live of a my hometown sempai
The first song you copied: Kuroyume Shounen
When did your first performance in public: College cultural festival
A SCREW live who left a strong impression: my first live
Song of SCREW representing you better/that you prefer play: "Shukai ni Saku Ai"
An error occurred during a live: on saw my underwear
A way of déstresser: alcohol
Apart from the music, the most important thing is: perfection sound, even at any sacrifice
Favourite Motto: Mori Building
A Word to your you the present: "Uure" (someone has a translation to propose?)
A Word to your future - you in 10 years: "Tu es already become a good adult, you do not find"!
A Word to everyone: Byou: YO!
Yuuto: Chaaaaaaaaaaan!
Jin: Heyy! (he actually wrote the equivalent of "Hey" for Japanese more mignon ~)
Your future aspiration: continue with always this intense passion
-real name: not sure
-Guitarist in SCREW
-D.O.B: 5 Aug 1985 
-Birthplace: Tottori
-Blood Type: O
-Height and Weight: 175cm ; 55kg
-He always hold his pillow between his legs  (me too~)
-His favorite colour is purple!!! (SCREAM!)
-He thinks that meeting with his band members are a gift that will make him happy.. because it is a gift from God
-He will name his daughter Michelle and his son Jesse.. (in the future)
-A moment that makes him happy: spending time with Mura and Mura Otoko Musume
-If he had 3 wishes, he will wish for a girl pantie, Kuririn to return and he wants to become Muri building.. LOL
-His worst nightmare is he dreamt a vampire flying in his room XD
-He plays video games during off days ^^
-Currently who is his fav artist. his answer: SCREW
-The 1st CD that he bought is Mr.Children's!
-He thinks that alcohol is a way to relieve stress

what he wants to say to his band members:
-Yuuto: Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! I LOVE YOU!! *jealous*
-Byou: Yo! *short and sweet*
-Manabu: Buuu!! *pointless*
-Jin: heyy! (in a cute way)

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