Monday, July 16, 2012

the GazettE Random Facts xD

They've had had some weird dreams...Ruki's nearly been killed by a cat; Uruha's been shot; Aoi saw laughing corpses; Reita was the vocalist of Gazette; Kai's mother was Reita

Um... Kai likes to cook? Okay, I guess everyone knows that... But I heard somewhere that Reita doesn't like Kai's cooking. ^_^;;

Reita hates Kai's cooking in fackt. But something he does love, is Kit Kat.

Kai collect zippos, but that is a common fack i guess >_>

I read in a magazine that one of the members (I *think* it was Kai...) likes Genesis (the band with Phil Collins). 

A zippo is a brand of lighter.

Reita's favorite movie is Face/Off.

Reita is a big Sex Pistols fan, he collects dvds and cds and things like that

Uruha once said the scariest moment of his life was being chased by yakuza...I wonder how that came to happen! XD
- Kai loves mayonaise.
- And I heard that Aoi wears the clothes fans sends to him

1. After lives, Aoi has a habit of gargling mouthwash (so he can kiss me)
2. If no-one's around then Kai sleeps naked... (ooohh)
3. Aoi likes to play with his sideburns XD
4. Poor little Kai got tricked on April fools day (not sure what year) and didn't really understand what had happened until 5 days later (awwwww)
5. Kai likes to buy batteries at convenience stores....
6. People used to call Reita 'Bonkura' when he was means blockheaded XD
8. If Uruha won the lottery he said he'd make a clone of himself...and call it Uruha 2!! (we can never, after all have enough Uruhas in this world)
9. Uruha wants to migrate to Mars (a bit... weird....)
10. they have weird dreams...Ruki's nearly been killed by a cat, Uruha's been shot, Aoi saw laughing corpses, Reita was the vocalist of Gazette and...Kai's mother was Reita (well... we know they have WILD imaginations XD)
11. Uruha craves for Coke after lives (bad habit, i hate coke XD)

'I don't want to die, what will I do if I die?' Uruha once said this in a interview

What did you want to be as a child?
Ruki: A fireman
Uruha: A football player
Aoi: A bike racer
Reita: A soccer player
Kai: A soccer player

Childhood nickname:
Ruki: Takachan
Uruha: Shima
Aoi: I didn't have one
Reita: Uechan
Kai: Yukkun

What kind of person do people frequently say you are?
Ruki: Nervous
Uruha: At my own pace
Aoi: They don't discuss it much
Reita: Kind, restless
Kai: Interesting person

What kind of animal do you compare yourself with?
Ruki: Is it a dog? I'll shake my tail for you. (XDDDDD)
Uruha: A duck or a dog
Aoi: People have said that I'm like a fox.
Reita: Cheetah
Kai: Monkey

Who/what is your rival?
Ruki: Remarkable person
Uruha: Myself
Aoi: My father
Reita: All the other band-members
Kai: Reita

What do you wear when sleeping?
Ruki: Soccer uniform
Uruha: T-shirt and boxers
Aoi: T-shirt and Jersey pants
Reita: Underwear
Kai: Naked, when no one’s around (camera anyone?)

Reita did the vocals for of their songs in a live

Ruki looks good in gold pants. It's TRUE.

Ruki has/had a really cute doggie. I dunno much about that one...

Aoi has a lipring like Miyavi? Okay so everyone knows these... XP

-Reita usually don't wear parfume/cologne, but has recently started to use Bvlgari

-Ruki loves rings from Harugin *me wants to buy*

- Reita wears jewelerry from DEAL DESIGN *me wants that bracelet*

-Ruki loves to shop

- Reita has said that Kai calls him 'Rei-chan' when they are alone, and that it freaks him out.

- The rest of the band consider Uruha as their 'big brother'

-Ruki sleeps in a footballuniform

-Reita in only his underwar *gods forbid the fangirls to ambush him at night..same goes for Kai*

-Aoi loves to eat things made with love

-Aoi has two lip piercings (although he normally only wears one lip ring), one piercing on his right ear and two on his left ear. And a navel piercing *I found this on a page, and the two lips surprised me a little, but you can actually see that he wears two in some pics*

-Uruha loves to challenge people on his gameboy advanced

-Bugs ~ Reita HATES them (especially mosquitos)

-Frankfurters ~ I take it he doesn't mean just the sausage and more like the whole of the hot dog...anyways, yeah, Ruki likes to eat these (frankfurters are the sausages in hot dogs in case people weren't sure)

- Sometimes, when on tours or away from home, poor little Uruha-chan suffers from homesickness

- The worst mistake of Uruha's life was, as he said, taking out a lot of loans

- Uruha once said that receiving presents from fans is very important to him

-On stage, Aoi always checks to make sure he doesn't have a runny nose

-Our lovely Uruha's an uncle. He has two little nephews

-Uruha LOVES alcohol,he's favorite wine is MOET CHANDON (i think thats how u write it)
-REITA's noseband is for fashion purpose and its like an identity code(somethin that has been argued by fans alot!)
-Reita likes Butts!,theyre his favorite part of a persons body
-Reita Likes punk music,spetially Sex pistols
-Aoi likes to play alot of video games(he's a G4m3r!)
-Ruki has low self esteem =[ and he hides his imperfections under layers of make up
-Uruha is a very fashionable person ofcourse,but he gets picky when he's hanging out with someone and doesent like wat the other person is wearing ans gets all,diva and keeps a distance.Like one time going out with Reita,Reita felt bad cuz Uruha kept keeping a distance from him Because he was wearing an 'ugly' jacket...LOL URUHA IS SUCH A DIVA-MAN..or DIVO...
-Ruki still lives with his parents...cute,hehe

-reita is shy when it comes to girrlss...*^-^ kyahaha*

- Kai had/has to ask his mother for help when he got fanmail written in english ( if i send them any fanmail/.....kai has to call his mom to help?)

Ruki claims his eyesight is very bad. 

- Uruha, Reita and Kai is all born in 1981
-Aoi in 1979
-Ruki in 1982 and is thus the youngest member

- 28.10-07 ~  IS KAI-SAN'S B-DAY!!! HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!!

He admires a japanese Boxer he smokes mild seven lights,
his quote is "come on baby" *T_T i want him to say that to bed...*

And They all smoke exept for Kai,he STOPPED smoking *yay proud of Kai-san*

so did uruha....for a while.

People Error plays on their official site XD
and they are signed by the mighty PS Company - which, by the way, I'm going to take over soon...

Aoi does backup screaming in one of the songs for Decomposition Beauty... (not remembering which one right now... >_<) And screams in a pretty high-pitched voice too... ;]

Err... Reita... finds girls with cherries in their mouths exotic. xD

And Aoi in the video for Budokan 07.09.07 aired during "Live Navi Asahi Super Dry" on Music ON! TV on 06.10.07. equals total droolage.
Ruki has quit smoking!

Fact: Reita was excited about going to france becuse he wanted to see his favorite soccor player, Kai pointed out that their would be no time, so Reita then hoped that he would go to one of their shows. (As shown on the GazettE message to French Fans)

Real Names (family name first):
Ruki - Matsumoto Takanori
Uruha - Takashima Kouyou
Aoi - Shiroyama Yuu
Reita - Suzuki Akira
Kai - Uke Yutaka

Favourtie Drinks:
Ruki - Kirin Koiwai Apple (some brand of apple juice I guess ^^)
Uruha - Smirnoff, MOET & CHANDON
Aoi - Coffee, Asahi Super Dry
Reita - Lifeguard
Kai - Apple juice ^^

Favourite Food:
Ruki - Spagetti
Uruha - Mentai Korokke Bento
Aoi - Any food made with love ^^ (kawaii)
Reita - Spagetti, Kit Kat
Kai - Cabbage, mayonaise, bananas.

Hated Food:
Ruki - Green peppers, beans, stawberries
Uruha - Blue cheese, olives
Aoi - Doesn't hate any food.
Reita - Vegatables, shellfish, mushrooms, sweet things (except for puddings and desserts), Kai's cooking.
Kai - Potatoes, taro root, aubergines (eggplant)

Best at cooking:
Ruki - Spagetti (which he also loves ^^)
Uruha - Taco rice
Aoi - Boiled rice
Reita - Can't cook
Kai - All I know is he loves cooking and he's good at it (but everyone already knows that).

Favourite colours:
Ruki - Gold, purple, red, black, silver.
Uruha - Purple, grey.
Aoi - White, black.
Reita - Purple, white, black,
Kai - Black, red, white, green, silver, gold.

Previous jobs:
Ruki - In restauraunts - Royal Host and Denny's.
Uruha - In a vegatable shop.
Aoi - In a wedding hall and at a convenience store.
Reita - In a bread shop, and a sweet shop (shame he doens't like sweet things).
Kai - In a restauraunt ^^.

Fact: Reita's favourite manga is Initial-D
Fact: Aoi doesn't have a frige? (apparently)
Fact: Uruha loves to challenge people on his gameboy advanced ^^

GazettE's "Filth in the beauty" reached number 5 on the Oricon charts one time. (i think it was around december)
Ruki enjoys watchin Reita beat up Kai with a chair.

Fact: When Kai was in school, it often said on his report card that he was a good and energetic child ^^

ANOTHER FACT: Kai went to the hospital as a child because he bumped his head and blood spurted out. He says he feels like it still has an effect.

Ruki: He's always had back problems since he was a child. During his first year of juniour high he had to have surgery (it turned out he had a herniated disc). He was worried that the anesthetics wouldn't work on him but he said I fell asleep the moment I got the injection, even faster than normal people". He also mentioned that afterwards, hated the fact that even though he was told that he could call for a nurse if was in pain, they'd just tell him to bear it.

Aoi: He was treated for the flu as an out-patient but he's never been hospitalized. Other than that he doesn't really have any hospital experinces.

Reita: He was admitted into hospital after he hurt his neck on tour. Apparently he was in so much pain he couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom. The nurse offered him a bedpan, but he thought it was so gross, he held it in for 20 hours o_0. The next day when he was told he was all right, he just ran to the bathroom.

Uruha: When he was 8, he had to go to the doctor to get a wart removed from his neck. Even though he was given painkillers he was really scared when he saw the doctor cutting it off with scissors. He says that he can still see scar a little bit.

Fact: The most frightening thing Ruki and Reita said they've ever done is watch a curse video.

Fact: Kai likes to check that all the other band members are having fun during lives (isn't he just the sweetest ?^^)

Fact: Aoi likes scented baths

Fact: Uruha has a habit of looking at people and grinning XD

Fact: Kai finds it difficult to get up in the winter, so he sets his alarm clock an hour before he needs to get up.

fact: Kai forgets things alot,he ALWAYS forgets something,.Once he left his cellphone in a taxi,lol,hes so cute.

F: Sometimes some of the band members think of AOI as a spazz XD
Fact: Aoi has no more lipring! *sadness* Oh well. He's still cool.

Yup Aoi does have two lip piercings.
And speaking of piercings, here's the list:

Aoi: Two in lip, one in right ear, two in left ear.
Kai: 2 piercings in left ear
Reita: one in each ear
Ruki: 5 piercings in right ear
Uruha: wins because he has a total of 9 piercings (5 in left ear and 4 in right ear).

Fact: Did you know Reita's favourite season is spring?

Aoi: winter (he seems like a winter person)
Kai: winter (because of Christmas ^^)
Ruki: winter (because he can make lots of songs in winter [then I like winter too ^^] )
Uruha: Spring (because its toasty warm)

Fact: Ruki's favourite hobbies are shopping and renting movies. 

Kai's favourite animals are dogs, tigers, alligators and crocodiles.
Uru's favourite animals are ducks, penguins, dogs and polar bears.
In a woman, Reita looks at the back of the knee, the shoulders and the wrists first. lol

Ruki: He doesn't find pictures of naked women erotic. He says he looks at photos of models simpy because women are more beautifil than men. So he sees photo's of models as art.

Uruha: Even though he said it wouldn't be true if he said that he doesn't find naked women erotic either. Although he does think its more erotic when the female body is hidden because more is left up to his own imagination. According to Uruha, "eros is a world of wild ideas and imagination"

Aoi: He believes that women are picturesque. For example in the PV of 'Zakuro kata no yuuutsu' , in the scene where the woman is crying, he say by looking at t her, he gets a feeling of tenderness, like you want to hold her.

Kai: According to Kai "eroticism is like Pandora's box, you're not allowed to open it"

[now this is the part of the interview I didn't expect:]

Reita: But you open that box every night.

Kai: That's true...

Uruha: So it's not 'Pandora's box'?!

Kai: I think eros is the weak point of men. When they see a woman they find her erotic.

All: That's only you!

Kai: I find shy women erotic. I think some people know what I mean. I always feel this mysterious attraction towards shy women. Then the world of imagination takes over, like "I'd like to do this or that".

- What exactly would you like to do?

Kai: I'd like to keep that to myself.

- It's better, ne. Before you become a criminal.

Kai: What???

Fact: Ruki's English gets better the more he sings.

Reita owns a parakeet

Here's a fact from the Make on the Holiday interview:

They don't speak English much at all. Ruki writes the lyrics using a translator, and has someone who is fluent in English look them over for him to make sure they are correct.

Reita: "Ruki writes the lyrics in the language his voice can take. Pronouncing these two languages is so different that for example at certain pitches he simply isn't able to sing in English even if he wanted to." (from the JaME interview in Helsinki.)

Uruha needs to improve his english...
"Cup. Throwing. Your. Under. Leg. Sorry."

Uruha has a deep voice 

Fact: Reita once dreamt he was the vocalist of the GazettE ^^ That would be interesting.

Fact: Kai has Wakaremechi as his ringtone (dunno if he still does but he did at some point)

FACT: Both Shou and Ruki have worn gold pants. lol

Fact: Uruha thinks he looks smart wearing glasses. (I wanna see him wear glasses)

Fact: Uruha has a habit of looking at people and grinning (I wonder why)

Fact: Ruki atteneded golf club when he was at school *pictures little Ruki playing golf*

fact: Ruki licked Uruha's guitar x]

Fact: Ruki makes pink look good.

FACT: Gazette will not do an Encore unless everyone wants to and the crowd is in unison and LOUD.

Remember this if they come to JRR2.

Fact: Uruha shares his birthday with Ruka (Nightmare) - 6th June


Reita is NOT ashamed of his nose. He have said that he's shy to speak infront of crowds and he wears that..

fact: Gazette is coming out with a new single in February! yayyy

fact: the singles name is 'Guren' 

-Ruki have turned a whole room into a closet. (dunno if it's true...I read it a long time ago)

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